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Unveiling the skeleton of democracy

Unveiling the skeleton of democracy is an eye opener to the foundation, rudiment and general practice of democracy which is coined as the best form and widely accepted system of government.

Книга издана в 2023 году.


This book is dedicated to the Almighty God without whom was not anything made that was made, Jesus Christ glorified.


Apostle William Osahon is the General Overseer of Key of God’s Kingdom Church; a prolific poet with didactic dictions. He holds a Diploma in Law and a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and English Language. He also has several certificates of Diplomas and Master series in Theology.

Apostle William Osahon has been a Christian since 1984 and has handled several positions in the vineyard of Christ, such as: Prayer Warrior, Choir Member, Sunday School Teacher, Children Teacher, Youth President, House Fellowship Leader, Area Leader, Prophetic Group Member, Assistant Pastor, Branch Pastor and now a General Overseer.


Unveiling the Skeleton of Democracy is an eye opener to the foundation, rudiment and general practice of democracy; which is coined as the best form and widely accepted system of government; but when viewed in the light of audi alteram partem, its practices are totally opposite its tenets; which makes it a hypocritical and destructive form of government; hence what is preached is not what is practiced.

Unveiling the Skeleton of Democracy shows the practice of a cruel thief (satan) who converted a system designed by God for the benefit of humanity to its opposite, and thereby using it as a means of control, having veiled humanity of the rights and freedom of ownership. Therefore, without the wisdom of God (Jesus Christ), humanity will remain in illusion, delusion and total darkness.

But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

1 Corinthians 1:24.

More so, the only solution to the problems of the earth is the government of the maker of heaven and earth.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder; His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6.


Glory, honour, adoration, praise and thanks to the Almighty God who put this book in me long time ago and used Apostle Solomon to remind me about it on the Sixteenth of January Two Thousand and Fourteen (16>th January, 2014). He is the only Author and Finisher of this great revelational book: “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our Salvation” (Psalm 68.19).

I thank Caroline Osahon for her spiritual, physical and moral support; the Lord bless you from Mount Zion and reward you on every side in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge also the prolific Doctor and Pastor Chikwerem Obi, who wrote the foreword and did part of the editing of this great inspirational book; Many blessing and thanks to you, your lovely wife and glorious children. Also to my triumphant prayer warrior sister, Omozefe Avboraye, who took this work as a personal project; may the Lord fill your life and your lovely family with His dominion wealth; and your word shall be veni vidi vici, in the name of Jesus. To my lovely prophet, whom God has ordained for these last days, who is a source of courage and great inspiration in numerous things; Seun Odumbo; he is the author of A Grateful Heart and Keeping The People That Keep The Family. He is a major contributor to the success of this great revelational book, many blessing and thanks to you and your lovely family for being a great source of blessing.

I cannot forget the great Ambassador; a father, mentor and a source of great inspiration; whose lovely family is same as mine; many thanks for your spiritual, material, financial, moral and inspirational support. The Lord will continue to keep you above only in all things in the name of Jesus, Amen. And to the main person behind the scene, typing, correcting, organizing and perfecting this divine inspirational book; Felicia Chizobam Nwaogu; her relentless efforts yields great reward as she performs the role of the virtuous woman who is diligent with all knowledge and understanding. May God continue to crown all your efforts with success in the Mighty name of Jesus.

Lastly, to the entire members of Key of God’s Kingdom Church and all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ and His appearing, the Lord richly bless you and make His face to shine upon you, and bless you from Mount Zion, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Apostle William Osahon JP.

Key of God’s Kingdom Church,

Abuja, Nigeria.

March 2020.

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We live in perilous times where truth is in short supply. It is fashionable nowadays to be celebrated as a pathological liar. Both individuals and governments are in competition for who will lie more than the other. In fact, for the government, lying has been taken to a higher dimension by deceptively baptizing it as “propaganda” and tax-payers’ money is wasted on funding it.

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