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Rights of men and women: where is the line?

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Книга издана в 2023 году.

Despite the fact that most modern men, including the author, have iqs above 100, we have ceased to understand modern women. Personally, I concluded that the best acquaintance occurs through language courses, business trainings, joint business projects, as well as elementary work, hobbies and social circles. But modern people tend to change jobs, cities, social circle, without losing social contacts. I am one of those people. There is such an expression: every new job takes five years of life, I would say the same about women, every new acquaintance, at least I tear off my heart valve gear. I will not hide that this property is most applicable to my poetic personality type, but rational thinking helps me to harmonize my life.

But let's figure out how all the same modern girls are arranged. Yes, they really test us for strength, and such well-known people as Vitya Samtsov, Maxim Sirbu and a number of other experts in this field have already said this before me. I do not pretend to be a pickup tutorial, in this book I just want to show my own mistakes and trophies purely in communication, because women without acquaintance (namely visual), communication and the realization that you will not cripple her are unlikely to reveal their “cap” to you ".

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