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Новости из прошлого на английском языке. Выпуск №3

Данный сборник предназначен тем, кто уже изучал английский язык в школе, колледже, университете или учится в настоящее время. 29 новостных сообщений, содержащихся в нем, взяты из разных выпусков газеты «THE MOSCOW TIMES» за 2010 год.

Автор-составитель Анна Пигарёва

ISBN 978-5-0050-5037-3 (т. 3)

ISBN 978-5-0050-5038-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Такими разными были новости в 2010 году

Новости для сборника подобраны из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2010 год

Daughter of Kiev Mayor Reports $5.5 Million Worth of Jewelry Stolen From Her Purse in Paris1

PARIS – The daughter of Kiev’s mayor told police that she was robbed of 4 million euros ($5.5 million) worth of jewelry as she traveled by car from Charles de Gaulle airport to the French capital, Paris police said Tuesday.

A spokesman for her wealthy father, however, immediately denied the report, which could be embarrassing considering that his daughter heads a charity organization funded by his own city government and many Ukrainians are struggling amid a widespread recession. A Paris police official said Kristina Chernovetska reported that a man broke into her luxury car Monday as it stopped on a highway north of Paris, then stole her purse. Chernovetska reported the incident to authorities and said the purse contained valuable rings and earrings, the official said. The official was not authorized to be named according to police policy and gave no further description of the jewelry. But a spokesman for Kiev Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky denied that there was a robbery. «This is somebody’s bad joke. We completely deny these reports about a robbery. There was no robbery,» spokeswoman Marta Hrymska said.

Chernovetsky was one of the first banking magnates in Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union and sold his Pravex Bank for 493 million euros to Italy’s lntesa Sanpaolo in June 2008. His term as mayor since 2006 has been marked by persistent corruption scandals, and he has often boasted of his daughter’s charity work to bolster his scarred public image. This would be the first public flap involving Kristina.

French police said they contacted the Ukrainian Embassy about the incident, but the embassy would not comment on it Tuesday. Hrymska insisted that Chernovetska was in Kiev on Tuesday, but her whereabouts remained unknown. A receptionist at the luxury George V hotel just off the Champs-Elysees confirmed that a «Christina» Chernovetska was registered, but it was not clear whether that was the same person. At the George V, the least expensive room is 750 euros ($1,025) a night. Luxury limousines lined up in front of the hotel for guests in furs and designer sunglasses, while diners inside lunched beneath crystal chandeliers. Among goods on sale at the George V are 100,000 euro ($136,700) pearl necklaces.

Chernovetska, 30, has degrees in law and economics, and she heads the charity organization Luchshy Dom, or «Best House,» a home for poor older people funded by the city of Kiev. She has also previously worked on her father’s political campaigns. The report of the jewel theft led to a political backlash Tuesday, as Volodymyr Bondarenko of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, her group of lawmakers in the parliament, poked fun at both daughter and father. «Chernovetsky needs to immediately call up his favorite grandmas and grandpas so that they could sacrifice part of their pensions to buy Kristina back her jewels,» Bondarenko said in a statement.

According to          В соответствии, согласно…
Amid                     Среди, посреди
Backlash               Отрицательное последствие
Beneath                Под
Boast                    Хвастаться
Bolster                  Поддерживать
Break into (broke broken)    Вломиться, проникнуть
Chandelier            Люстра
Charity                  Благотворительность
Completely            Полностью
Confirm                 Подтверждать
Consider                Принимать во внимание
Degree                   Диплом
Deny                      Отрицать
Description            Описание
Diner                     Обедающий
Earrings                 Серьги
Embarrassing         Смущающий
Embassy                 Посольство
Expensive              Дорогой
Flap                       Шлепок, удар
Fund (v)                 Финансировать
Fur                         Мех
Give (gave, given)  Дать, передать
Guest                     Гость
Immediately           Немедленно
Involve                   Касаться, затрагивать
Jewel                      Ювелирное изделие
Jewelry                   Драгоценности, ювелирные изделия
Joke                        Шутка
Lead (led, led)         Вести
Neckless                 Ожерелье
Pearl                       Жемчуг
Persistent               Постоянный
Poke fun                 Подшучивать над кем-либо
Previously               Ранее
Purse                      1) дамская сумочка, 2) кошелек
Recession               Спад, регресс, кризис
Remain                   Оставаться
Sacrifice                  Жертвовать
Scar                         Шрам
Steal (stole, stolen) Украсть
Struggle                  Бороться
Term                        Срок, продолжительность
Theft                       Кража
Valuable                  Ценный, дорогостоящий
Wealthy                   Богатый
Whereabouts           Местонахождение

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